"Evidently, radical feminism fails to identify matriarchal oppression. For example women are actively
involved in sexual exploitation of other women through trafficking, prostitution and even pornography." Vollah Owino
involved in sexual exploitation of other women through trafficking, prostitution and even pornography." Vollah Owino
In Bradwell v Illinois 83 US
130 (1873) Justice Bradley, delivered a poignant dictum that was
somehow conflated with misogynistic overtones. He rhapsodically stated: “It is true that many women are unmarried and not affected by any of the duties, complications and incapacities arising out of the married states, but these are exceptions to the general rule. The paramount destiny and mission of a woman is to fulfill the noble and
benign offices of wife and mother.
This is the law of the creator. And the rules of civil society must be adapted to the general constitution of things and cannot be based upon exceptional cases.” This benighted opinion signified
the institutional marginalisation of women in society. Indeed, the orthodoxy of cultural norms, Abrahamic religion and even science viewed femininity with contempt. Nonetheless, these obstacles were annihilated due to the feminist movements of the nineteenth century that gave women panoply of rights.
Wage Gap
However, it is apparent Radical- Marxism feminism evolved into subtle misandry due to the strong
resentment towards masculinity. First, radical feminism doctors statistics on gender discrimination to
win public sympathy. For example ‘wage gap’ argument that women earn less than men
within the same job description.
Nonetheless, renowned economist and Stanford Fellow Professor Thomas Sowell unmasked
this myth in his book Affirmative Action around the World. Sowell argues there are inherent factors
such as overtime and side jobs that dynamically alter the amount of income. Equally, the only difference in income encircles women who are mothers since they pursue careers that are coherent with the demands and dynamics of motherhood. However, the net income disparity between single women and men is naught if not marginal.
Marital Failure
Contiguously, is statistics on mortality. Statistics indicate the leading cause of death among middle aged men is suicide. This calamity stems from a myriad of issues such as marital failure, midlife crisis, job pressure and harsh economic times. Surprisingly, this information never reaches by the mainstream media which is infiltrated with feministic and gynocentric objectives.
Fourthly, is the impulsive war on the boy child. Acquiescently, there are numerous organisations and mechanisms that champion for the rights of the girl child compared to boys leaving them vulnerable and segregated. Along the same vein, is effimanisation of school syllabus and routine. Professor Christina Hoff Summers in The War on Boys contemporary school routine ridicules boys as ‘deformed girls’.
Therefore, boys are forced to recant their masculinity and embrace to feminine standards and
attributes. This squaring of the circle mission has contributed to poor academic performance and
the mounting rate of boys dropping out of school due to loss of interest. Evidently, radical feminism fails to identify matriarchal oppression.
For example women are actively involved in sexual exploitation of other women through trafficking, prostitution and even pornography. These examples signify that men are not the sole cause for women’s problems.
Cumulatively, democratic and constitutional state recognises the essence of gender equality. Nonetheless, this egalitarian objective should be approached from a complimentary rather than confrontational perspective. Consequently, is feminism ripe for counterreformation?
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